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Estás aquí: Inicio / Primera dama y Fellito Suberví inauguran múltiples obras en el sector El Caliche para más de 2,500 habitantes / Primera dama y Fellito Suberví inauguran múltiples obras en el sector El Caliche para más de 2,500 habitantes /

Primera dama y Fellito Suberví inauguran múltiples obras en el sector El Caliche para más de 2,500 habitantes

Fecha: julio 1, 24

Autor: CAASD Admin

Categorias: Uncategorized Etiquetas:

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Una de las obras más importantes es la construcción de un Centro de Atención Primaria para los moradores de la zona.

Santo Domingo. – La primera dama Raquel Arbaje y Felipe Suberví (Fellito), director general de la Corporación del Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Santo Domingo (CAASD), inauguraron el saneamiento de un tramo de la Cañada Paseo de la Gracias y un Centro de Atención Primaria, en el sector El Caliche en Los Ríos, beneficiando a 2,500 habitantes de la zona.

El establecimiento de salud fue una solicitud de la primera dama de la República, Raquel Arbaje, al director de la CAASD cuando iniciaron los trabajos de saneamiento de la cañada con el objetivo de que la población vulnerable de ese sector y zonas aledañas puedan contar con un Centro de Atención Primaria, que permitirá un acceso más rápido a los servicios de salud en esa comunidad y sectores aledaños.

Suberví destacó el compromiso y especial interés de la primera dama en la atención primaria, con espacios de salud cercanos a la población que en gran medida ayudan al descongestionamiento de los hospitales, situación que puede provocar que muchas personas no reciban atenciones médicas en tiempo oportuno y que su situación se agrave.

“Ella nos motivó a construir este centro y estuvo pendiente todo el tiempo del desarrollo de este, y miren el resultado, un dispensario equipado con áreas climatizadas de emergencia, salas de consultas generales y odontológicas, parqueos, agua permanente y una Farmacia del Pueblo. Un espacio digno para todos”, explicó Fellito Suberví.

El director de la CAASD destacó con gran entusiasmo el conjunto de obras que viene desarrollando y entregando el gobierno del presidente de la República, Luis Abinader Corona, que promueven y mejoran la calidad de vida de los sectores más vulnerables del país, con eficiencia y transparencia.

Dijo que obras como estas siguen cambiando la vida de la gente de estas comunidades y de los entornos. “Aquí había una cañada que cuando llovía las familias tenían que salir y proteger sus ajuares de las corrientes de agua y los desechos sólidos, ahora la convertimos en un espacio libre de contaminación, y con un dispensario médico”.

Suberví reveló que solo el año pasado concluyeron el encajonamiento de 501 metros lineales y limpieza de esta cañada Paseo de la Gracia de Dios, donde se construyó el dispensario y que continúan la segunda fase que implica sanear 414 metros lineales más de este afluente, el cual estará listo próximamente.

Asimismo, durante los trabajos de saneamiento fueron remozadas tres viviendas, las cuales fueron afectadas durante el desarrollo de las obras.

En los últimos días, el director de la CAASD ha estado enfocado en el mejoramiento y distribución de agua potable para el Gran Santo Domingo, sirviendo más de 450 millones de galones diarios.

Además de la entrega de una serie de obras que mejoran y cambian la vida de muchos comunitarios, como son:  el complejo habitacional de La Zurza; el saneamiento de la Cañada Sabana Perdida y construcción del parque del mismo nombre, el remozamiento del Túnel de Capotillo, entre otras de interés colectivo.

Detalles del dispensario

El dispensario cuenta con área de emergencia, salas de espera, baños, oficina de consultas generales, cuarto de consultas odontológicas, área de archivo, depósito y una pequeña cocina, todas las áreas están climatizadas y cuentan con un generador eléctrico, parqueos y servicios de agua potable permanente.


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Your article is off to a fantastic start with some excellent ideas and solid points. To unlock its full potential, consider diving deeper into the topic. Your creative approach and clear writing are commendable, but adding more energy could make it even more engaging.While your examples are good, infusing them with more excitement could truly elevate your piece. Overall, the article is well-crafted but has room for enhancement. Strengthening your arguments and incorporating more compelling facts will make it even stronger. You have great potential, so keep challenging yourself. Your next piece has the potential to be truly outstanding. I’m eager to read your future work and see how you continue to improve. Keep up the excellent work!

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Your article demonstrates considerable promise, showcasing insightful ideas and a solid foundation. To elevate it to a truly outstanding level, consider the following enhancements: 1. Deepen your analysis by exploring key concepts more thoroughly, providing nuanced explanations, and addressing potential counterarguments. 2. Strengthen your arguments with additional evidence, including peer-reviewed sources, relevant statistics, and illustrative case studies. 3. Refine your writing style to engage advanced readers. Vary sentence structures, employ more sophisticated vocabulary, and ensure each paragraph flows seamlessly into the next. 4. Enhance the overall narrative arc. Craft a more compelling introduction that clearly outlines your thesis and a conclusion that reinforces your key points while highlighting broader implications. 5. Incorporate a more critical examination of alternative viewpoints to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic and pre-emptively address potential critiques. 6. Elaborate on the practical implications and real-world applications of your arguments. This will increase the relevance and impact of your work. 7. Draw connections to related fields or concepts, broadening the scope and appeal of your article while showcasing its interdisciplinary significance. 8. Consider incorporating more vivid examples or analogies to illustrate complex ideas, making your work more accessible without sacrificing depth. 9. If appropriate, include visual elements such as graphs, charts, or infographics to support your textual arguments and appeal to visual learners. 10. Ensure your conclusion not only summarizes your main points but also opens up avenues for further research or discussion, encouraging ongoing engagement with your ideas. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your already solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. The potential for greatness in your work is evident. Your commitment to excellence shines through, and I’m confident that your continued efforts and refinements will yield truly impressive results. I eagerly anticipate seeing how you build upon these strengths in your future endeavors, further establishing yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise.

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Date 07.13.24 @ 5:37 am

Your article demonstrates considerable promise, showcasing insightful ideas and a solid foundation. To elevate it to a truly outstanding level, consider the following enhancements: 1. Deepen your analysis by exploring key concepts more thoroughly, providing nuanced explanations, and addressing potential counterarguments. 2. Strengthen your arguments with additional evidence, including peer-reviewed sources, relevant statistics, and illustrative case studies. 3. Refine your writing style to engage advanced readers. Vary sentence structures, employ more sophisticated vocabulary, and ensure each paragraph flows seamlessly into the next. 4. Enhance the overall narrative arc. Craft a more compelling introduction that clearly outlines your thesis and a conclusion that reinforces your key points while highlighting broader implications. 5. Incorporate a more critical examination of alternative viewpoints to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic and pre-emptively address potential critiques. 6. Elaborate on the practical implications and real-world applications of your arguments. This will increase the relevance and impact of your work. 7. Draw connections to related fields or concepts, broadening the scope and appeal of your article while showcasing its interdisciplinary significance. 8. Consider incorporating more vivid examples or analogies to illustrate complex ideas, making your work more accessible without sacrificing depth. 9. If appropriate, include visual elements such as graphs, charts, or infographics to support your textual arguments and appeal to visual learners. 10. Ensure your conclusion not only summarizes your main points but also opens up avenues for further research or discussion, encouraging ongoing engagement with your ideas. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your already solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. The potential for greatness in your work is evident. Your commitment to excellence shines through, and I’m confident that your continued efforts and refinements will yield truly impressive results. I eagerly anticipate seeing how you build upon these strengths in your future endeavors, further establishing yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise.

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Date 07.13.24 @ 5:59 am

Your article demonstrates considerable promise, showcasing insightful ideas and a solid foundation. To elevate it to a truly outstanding level, consider the following enhancements: 1. Deepen your analysis by exploring key concepts more thoroughly, providing nuanced explanations, and addressing potential counterarguments. 2. Strengthen your arguments with additional evidence, including peer-reviewed sources, relevant statistics, and illustrative case studies. 3. Refine your writing style to engage advanced readers. Vary sentence structures, employ more sophisticated vocabulary, and ensure each paragraph flows seamlessly into the next. 4. Enhance the overall narrative arc. Craft a more compelling introduction that clearly outlines your thesis and a conclusion that reinforces your key points while highlighting broader implications. 5. Incorporate a more critical examination of alternative viewpoints to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic and pre-emptively address potential critiques. 6. Elaborate on the practical implications and real-world applications of your arguments. This will increase the relevance and impact of your work. 7. Draw connections to related fields or concepts, broadening the scope and appeal of your article while showcasing its interdisciplinary significance. 8. Consider incorporating more vivid examples or analogies to illustrate complex ideas, making your work more accessible without sacrificing depth. 9. If appropriate, include visual elements such as graphs, charts, or infographics to support your textual arguments and appeal to visual learners. 10. Ensure your conclusion not only summarizes your main points but also opens up avenues for further research or discussion, encouraging ongoing engagement with your ideas. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your already solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. The potential for greatness in your work is evident. Your commitment to excellence shines through, and I’m confident that your continued efforts and refinements will yield truly impressive results. I eagerly anticipate seeing how you build upon these strengths in your future endeavors, further establishing yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise.

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Date 07.13.24 @ 4:59 pm

Your article holds considerable promise, showcasing insightful ideas and a solid foundation. To elevate it to a truly outstanding level, consider the following enhancements: Deepen your analysis by exploring key concepts more thoroughly, providing nuanced explanations, and addressing potential counterarguments. Strengthen your arguments with additional evidence, including peer-reviewed sources, relevant statistics, and illustrative case studies. Refine your writing style to engage advanced readers by varying sentence structures, employing more sophisticated vocabulary, and ensuring each paragraph flows seamlessly into the next. Enhance the overall narrative arc by crafting a more compelling introduction that clearly outlines your thesis and a conclusion that reinforces your key points while highlighting broader implications. Incorporate a more critical examination of alternative viewpoints to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic and preemptively address potential critiques. Elaborate on the practical implications and real-world applications of your arguments to increase the relevance and impact of your work. Draw connections to related fields or concepts, broadening the scope and appeal of your article while showcasing its interdisciplinary significance. Consider incorporating more vivid examples or analogies to illustrate complex ideas, making your work more accessible without sacrificing depth. If appropriate, include visual elements such as graphs, charts, or infographics to support your textual arguments and appeal to visual learners. Ensure your conclusion not only summarizes your main points but also opens up avenues for further research or discussion, encouraging ongoing engagement with your ideas. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation, and by implementing these suggestions, you can transform your already solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. The potential for greatness in your work is evident. Your commitment to excellence shines through, and I’m confident that your continued efforts and refinements will yield truly impressive results. I eagerly anticipate seeing how you build upon these strengths in your future endeavors, further establishing yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise.

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