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CAASD informa acueductos operan con normalidad en GSD

Fecha: mayo 13, 24

Autor: CAASD Admin

Categorias: Uncategorized Etiquetas:

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Fellito Suberví afirmó producción de agua potable se sitúa en 424 millones de galones diarios

Santo Domingo. – El director general de la Corporación del Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Santo Domingo (CAASD), Felipe Suberví, informó que la mayoría de los acueductos operan con normalidad, sin que las lluvias registradas en los últimos días en gran parte del país hayan afectado sus operaciones.

El ingeniero destacó que la producción de agua potable de la CAASD se sitúa en 424 millones de galones diarios. En ese sentido, explicó que las recientes precipitaciones han causado turbiedades superficiales sin provocar daños significativos en los sistemas de toma directa, por lo que hubo que limitar las operaciones de Duey e Isa-Mana, de forma preventiva.

“Los sistemas Isa Mana y Duey han estado inestable por los altos niveles de turbidez de las aguas. Ambos ya se encuentran operando con normalidad, al igual que Valdesia, Barrera de Salinidad, La Isabela, Haina, entre otros”, detalló el ingeniero.

Asimismo, precisó que los campos de pozos de La Joya y Los Marenos también operan con regularidad, al igual que los pozos sectoriales.

En ese sentido, aseguró que junto al equipo que le acompaña en la CAASD se mantiene en sesión permanente de monitoreo y ejecución de acciones preventivas para garantizar una gestión eficiente en el suministro de agua potable a la población “como lo hemos hecho antes, durante y después de que nuestro territorio esté fuera de peligro por los fenómenos atmosféricos que han afectado al país”.

Sobre condiciones de las presas

Fellito Suberví señaló que la presa de Valdesia se encuentra en la cota 146.54 de un nivel máximo de 150 metros sobre el nivel del mar (MSNM), mientras que la de Jigüey está en 538.18, de un nivel máximo de 141.50(MSNM), reflejando un incremento ligero de algunos centímetros, debido a las lluvias caídas en las cuencas del río Nizao, cuyo caudal se sitúa en 22.91 metros cúbicos por segundo.

Supervisa cañadas

Fellito Suberví informó que la Unidad Ejecutora de Proyectos de la entidad estatal mantiene sus brigadas en constante supervisión, sobre todo en aquellas que están siendo intervenidas para su saneamiento definitivo.

De igual modo, el servidor público reiteró el llamado a aquellas personas que viven próximos a ríos, arroyos y cañadas, a estar atentos a los boletines oficiales de los organismos de socorro.


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Date 07.01.24 @ 11:21 pm

This article? It’s got some interesting ideas, definitely. You’ve touched on a few good points, but it feels like there’s more to explore. Digging a bit deeper next time could really add value. On the plus side, you are thinking outside the box, which is great. Your writing style gets the point across, but it could use a bit more energy. The examples are decent, but adding some spice wouldn’t hurt. I’m not saying it’s bad, just that there’s room for improvement. Consider tightening up your arguments and including more compelling facts. You’ve got potential. Keep pushing yourself, and your next piece could be truly impressive. Keep at it! Your next article might just blow me away. Or maybe not. We’ll see.

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Date 07.01.24 @ 11:29 pm

This article? It’s got some interesting ideas, definitely. You’ve touched on a few good points, but it feels like there’s more to explore. Digging a bit deeper next time could really add value. On the plus side, you are thinking outside the box, which is great. Your writing style gets the point across, but it could use a bit more energy. The examples are decent, but adding some spice wouldn’t hurt. I’m not saying it’s bad, just that there’s room for improvement. Consider tightening up your arguments and including more compelling facts. You’ve got potential. Keep pushing yourself, and your next piece could be truly impressive. Keep at it! Your next article might just blow me away. Or maybe not. We’ll see.

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Date 07.01.24 @ 11:35 pm

This article? It’s got some interesting ideas, definitely. You’ve touched on a few good points, but it feels like there’s more to explore. Digging a bit deeper next time could really add value. On the plus side, you are thinking outside the box, which is great. Your writing style gets the point across, but it could use a bit more energy. The examples are decent, but adding some spice wouldn’t hurt. I’m not saying it’s bad, just that there’s room for improvement. Consider tightening up your arguments and including more compelling facts. You’ve got potential. Keep pushing yourself, and your next piece could be truly impressive. Keep at it! Your next article might just blow me away. Or maybe not. We’ll see.

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Date 07.05.24 @ 6:34 pm

Your article is off to a fantastic start with some excellent ideas and solid points. To unlock its full potential, consider diving deeper into the topic. Your creative approach and clear writing are commendable, but adding more energy could make it even more engaging.While your examples are good, infusing them with more excitement could truly elevate your piece. Overall, the article is well-crafted but has room for enhancement. Strengthening your arguments and incorporating more compelling facts will make it even stronger. You have great potential, so keep challenging yourself. Your next piece has the potential to be truly outstanding. I’m eager to read your future work and see how you continue to improve. Keep up the excellent work!

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Date 07.06.24 @ 5:16 pm

Your article is off to a fantastic start with some excellent ideas and solid points. To unlock its full potential, consider diving deeper into the topic. Your creative approach and clear writing are commendable, but adding more energy could make it even more engaging.While your examples are good, infusing them with more excitement could truly elevate your piece. Overall, the article is well-crafted but has room for enhancement. Strengthening your arguments and incorporating more compelling facts will make it even stronger. You have great potential, so keep challenging yourself. Your next piece has the potential to be truly outstanding. I’m eager to read your future work and see how you continue to improve. Keep up the excellent work!

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Date 07.06.24 @ 5:47 pm

Your article is off to a fantastic start with some excellent ideas and solid points. To unlock its full potential, consider diving deeper into the topic. Your creative approach and clear writing are commendable, but adding more energy could make it even more engaging.While your examples are good, infusing them with more excitement could truly elevate your piece. Overall, the article is well-crafted but has room for enhancement. Strengthening your arguments and incorporating more compelling facts will make it even stronger. You have great potential, so keep challenging yourself. Your next piece has the potential to be truly outstanding. I’m eager to read your future work and see how you continue to improve. Keep up the excellent work!

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Date 07.06.24 @ 5:49 pm

Your article is off to a fantastic start with some excellent ideas and solid points. To unlock its full potential, consider diving deeper into the topic. Your creative approach and clear writing are commendable, but adding more energy could make it even more engaging.While your examples are good, infusing them with more excitement could truly elevate your piece. Overall, the article is well-crafted but has room for enhancement. Strengthening your arguments and incorporating more compelling facts will make it even stronger. You have great potential, so keep challenging yourself. Your next piece has the potential to be truly outstanding. I’m eager to read your future work and see how you continue to improve. Keep up the excellent work!

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Date 07.12.24 @ 6:07 am

Your article demonstrates considerable promise, showcasing insightful ideas and a solid foundation. To elevate it to a truly outstanding level, consider the following enhancements: 1. Deepen your analysis by exploring key concepts more thoroughly, providing nuanced explanations, and addressing potential counterarguments. 2. Strengthen your arguments with additional evidence, including peer-reviewed sources, relevant statistics, and illustrative case studies. 3. Refine your writing style to engage advanced readers. Vary sentence structures, employ more sophisticated vocabulary, and ensure each paragraph flows seamlessly into the next. 4. Enhance the overall narrative arc. Craft a more compelling introduction that clearly outlines your thesis and a conclusion that reinforces your key points while highlighting broader implications. 5. Incorporate a more critical examination of alternative viewpoints to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic and pre-emptively address potential critiques. 6. Elaborate on the practical implications and real-world applications of your arguments. This will increase the relevance and impact of your work. 7. Draw connections to related fields or concepts, broadening the scope and appeal of your article while showcasing its interdisciplinary significance. 8. Consider incorporating more vivid examples or analogies to illustrate complex ideas, making your work more accessible without sacrificing depth. 9. If appropriate, include visual elements such as graphs, charts, or infographics to support your textual arguments and appeal to visual learners. 10. Ensure your conclusion not only summarizes your main points but also opens up avenues for further research or discussion, encouraging ongoing engagement with your ideas. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your already solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. The potential for greatness in your work is evident. Your commitment to excellence shines through, and I’m confident that your continued efforts and refinements will yield truly impressive results. I eagerly anticipate seeing how you build upon these strengths in your future endeavors, further establishing yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise.

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Date 07.12.24 @ 2:01 pm

Your article demonstrates considerable promise, showcasing insightful ideas and a solid foundation. To elevate it to a truly outstanding level, consider the following enhancements: 1. Deepen your analysis by exploring key concepts more thoroughly, providing nuanced explanations, and addressing potential counterarguments. 2. Strengthen your arguments with additional evidence, including peer-reviewed sources, relevant statistics, and illustrative case studies. 3. Refine your writing style to engage advanced readers. Vary sentence structures, employ more sophisticated vocabulary, and ensure each paragraph flows seamlessly into the next. 4. Enhance the overall narrative arc. Craft a more compelling introduction that clearly outlines your thesis and a conclusion that reinforces your key points while highlighting broader implications. 5. Incorporate a more critical examination of alternative viewpoints to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic and pre-emptively address potential critiques. 6. Elaborate on the practical implications and real-world applications of your arguments. This will increase the relevance and impact of your work. 7. Draw connections to related fields or concepts, broadening the scope and appeal of your article while showcasing its interdisciplinary significance. 8. Consider incorporating more vivid examples or analogies to illustrate complex ideas, making your work more accessible without sacrificing depth. 9. If appropriate, include visual elements such as graphs, charts, or infographics to support your textual arguments and appeal to visual learners. 10. Ensure your conclusion not only summarizes your main points but also opens up avenues for further research or discussion, encouraging ongoing engagement with your ideas. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your already solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. The potential for greatness in your work is evident. Your commitment to excellence shines through, and I’m confident that your continued efforts and refinements will yield truly impressive results. I eagerly anticipate seeing how you build upon these strengths in your future endeavors, further establishing yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise.

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Date 07.13.24 @ 5:45 am

Your article demonstrates considerable promise, showcasing insightful ideas and a solid foundation. To elevate it to a truly outstanding level, consider the following enhancements: 1. Deepen your analysis by exploring key concepts more thoroughly, providing nuanced explanations, and addressing potential counterarguments. 2. Strengthen your arguments with additional evidence, including peer-reviewed sources, relevant statistics, and illustrative case studies. 3. Refine your writing style to engage advanced readers. Vary sentence structures, employ more sophisticated vocabulary, and ensure each paragraph flows seamlessly into the next. 4. Enhance the overall narrative arc. Craft a more compelling introduction that clearly outlines your thesis and a conclusion that reinforces your key points while highlighting broader implications. 5. Incorporate a more critical examination of alternative viewpoints to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic and pre-emptively address potential critiques. 6. Elaborate on the practical implications and real-world applications of your arguments. This will increase the relevance and impact of your work. 7. Draw connections to related fields or concepts, broadening the scope and appeal of your article while showcasing its interdisciplinary significance. 8. Consider incorporating more vivid examples or analogies to illustrate complex ideas, making your work more accessible without sacrificing depth. 9. If appropriate, include visual elements such as graphs, charts, or infographics to support your textual arguments and appeal to visual learners. 10. Ensure your conclusion not only summarizes your main points but also opens up avenues for further research or discussion, encouraging ongoing engagement with your ideas. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your already solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. The potential for greatness in your work is evident. Your commitment to excellence shines through, and I’m confident that your continued efforts and refinements will yield truly impressive results. I eagerly anticipate seeing how you build upon these strengths in your future endeavors, further establishing yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise.

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Date 07.13.24 @ 5:46 am

Your article demonstrates considerable promise, showcasing insightful ideas and a solid foundation. To elevate it to a truly outstanding level, consider the following enhancements: 1. Deepen your analysis by exploring key concepts more thoroughly, providing nuanced explanations, and addressing potential counterarguments. 2. Strengthen your arguments with additional evidence, including peer-reviewed sources, relevant statistics, and illustrative case studies. 3. Refine your writing style to engage advanced readers. Vary sentence structures, employ more sophisticated vocabulary, and ensure each paragraph flows seamlessly into the next. 4. Enhance the overall narrative arc. Craft a more compelling introduction that clearly outlines your thesis and a conclusion that reinforces your key points while highlighting broader implications. 5. Incorporate a more critical examination of alternative viewpoints to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic and pre-emptively address potential critiques. 6. Elaborate on the practical implications and real-world applications of your arguments. This will increase the relevance and impact of your work. 7. Draw connections to related fields or concepts, broadening the scope and appeal of your article while showcasing its interdisciplinary significance. 8. Consider incorporating more vivid examples or analogies to illustrate complex ideas, making your work more accessible without sacrificing depth. 9. If appropriate, include visual elements such as graphs, charts, or infographics to support your textual arguments and appeal to visual learners. 10. Ensure your conclusion not only summarizes your main points but also opens up avenues for further research or discussion, encouraging ongoing engagement with your ideas. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your already solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. The potential for greatness in your work is evident. Your commitment to excellence shines through, and I’m confident that your continued efforts and refinements will yield truly impressive results. I eagerly anticipate seeing how you build upon these strengths in your future endeavors, further establishing yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise.

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Date 07.13.24 @ 4:45 pm

Your article holds considerable promise, showcasing insightful ideas and a solid foundation. To elevate it to a truly outstanding level, consider the following enhancements: Deepen your analysis by exploring key concepts more thoroughly, providing nuanced explanations, and addressing potential counterarguments. Strengthen your arguments with additional evidence, including peer-reviewed sources, relevant statistics, and illustrative case studies. Refine your writing style to engage advanced readers by varying sentence structures, employing more sophisticated vocabulary, and ensuring each paragraph flows seamlessly into the next. Enhance the overall narrative arc by crafting a more compelling introduction that clearly outlines your thesis and a conclusion that reinforces your key points while highlighting broader implications. Incorporate a more critical examination of alternative viewpoints to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic and preemptively address potential critiques. Elaborate on the practical implications and real-world applications of your arguments to increase the relevance and impact of your work. Draw connections to related fields or concepts, broadening the scope and appeal of your article while showcasing its interdisciplinary significance. Consider incorporating more vivid examples or analogies to illustrate complex ideas, making your work more accessible without sacrificing depth. If appropriate, include visual elements such as graphs, charts, or infographics to support your textual arguments and appeal to visual learners. Ensure your conclusion not only summarizes your main points but also opens up avenues for further research or discussion, encouraging ongoing engagement with your ideas. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation, and by implementing these suggestions, you can transform your already solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. The potential for greatness in your work is evident. Your commitment to excellence shines through, and I’m confident that your continued efforts and refinements will yield truly impressive results. I eagerly anticipate seeing how you build upon these strengths in your future endeavors, further establishing yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise.

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Date 07.13.24 @ 4:52 pm

Your article holds considerable promise, showcasing insightful ideas and a solid foundation. To elevate it to a truly outstanding level, consider the following enhancements: Deepen your analysis by exploring key concepts more thoroughly, providing nuanced explanations, and addressing potential counterarguments. Strengthen your arguments with additional evidence, including peer-reviewed sources, relevant statistics, and illustrative case studies. Refine your writing style to engage advanced readers by varying sentence structures, employing more sophisticated vocabulary, and ensuring each paragraph flows seamlessly into the next. Enhance the overall narrative arc by crafting a more compelling introduction that clearly outlines your thesis and a conclusion that reinforces your key points while highlighting broader implications. Incorporate a more critical examination of alternative viewpoints to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic and preemptively address potential critiques. Elaborate on the practical implications and real-world applications of your arguments to increase the relevance and impact of your work. Draw connections to related fields or concepts, broadening the scope and appeal of your article while showcasing its interdisciplinary significance. Consider incorporating more vivid examples or analogies to illustrate complex ideas, making your work more accessible without sacrificing depth. If appropriate, include visual elements such as graphs, charts, or infographics to support your textual arguments and appeal to visual learners. Ensure your conclusion not only summarizes your main points but also opens up avenues for further research or discussion, encouraging ongoing engagement with your ideas. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation, and by implementing these suggestions, you can transform your already solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. The potential for greatness in your work is evident. Your commitment to excellence shines through, and I’m confident that your continued efforts and refinements will yield truly impressive results. I eagerly anticipate seeing how you build upon these strengths in your future endeavors, further establishing yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise.

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Date 07.17.24 @ 10:16 am

Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

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Date 07.17.24 @ 10:17 am

Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

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Date 07.17.24 @ 10:29 am

Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

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Date 07.17.24 @ 10:29 am

Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

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Date 07.17.24 @ 10:38 am

Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

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Date 07.17.24 @ 10:44 am

Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

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Date 09.03.24 @ 2:48 am

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Date 09.05.24 @ 1:42 am

Thank you for sharing this insightful post! Your writing is clear, informative, and engaging. I appreciate how you’ve broken down complex concepts into easily digestible parts. It’s evident that you have a deep understanding of the topic, and your tips are practical and actionable. I particularly liked the way you addressed [specific point from the article], as it resonated with my own experiences. This kind of content is invaluable for readers looking to expand their knowledge and apply new strategies effectively. Looking forward to reading more from you. Keep up the excellent work!


Date 09.07.24 @ 7:49 pm

Thank you for sharing this insightful post! Your writing is clear, informative, and engaging. I appreciate how you’ve broken down complex concepts into easily digestible parts. It’s evident that you have a deep understanding of the topic, and your tips are practical and actionable. I particularly liked the way you addressed [specific point from the article], as it resonated with my own experiences. This kind of content is invaluable for readers looking to expand their knowledge and apply new strategies effectively. Looking forward to reading more from you. Keep up the excellent work!


Date 09.08.24 @ 7:47 am

Thank you for sharing this insightful post! Your writing is clear, informative, and engaging. I appreciate how you’ve broken down complex concepts into easily digestible parts. It’s evident that you have a deep understanding of the topic, and your tips are practical and actionable. I particularly liked the way you addressed [specific point from the article], as it resonated with my own experiences. This kind of content is invaluable for readers looking to expand their knowledge and apply new strategies effectively. Looking forward to reading more from you. Keep up the excellent work!


Date 09.08.24 @ 7:51 am

Thank you for sharing this insightful post! Your writing is clear, informative, and engaging. I appreciate how you’ve broken down complex concepts into easily digestible parts. It’s evident that you have a deep understanding of the topic, and your tips are practical and actionable. I particularly liked the way you addressed [specific point from the article], as it resonated with my own experiences. This kind of content is invaluable for readers looking to expand their knowledge and apply new strategies effectively. Looking forward to reading more from you. Keep up the excellent work!

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Thank you for sharing this insightful post! Your writing is clear, informative, and engaging. I appreciate how you’ve broken down complex concepts into easily digestible parts. It’s evident that you have a deep understanding of the topic, and your tips are practical and actionable. I particularly liked the way you addressed [specific point from the article], as it resonated with my own experiences. This kind of content is invaluable for readers looking to expand their knowledge and apply new strategies effectively. Looking forward to reading more from you. Keep up the excellent work!